Breaking Update: Regarding Kareem Mitchell [Sacramento California Church Choir Director Accused of Child Sexual Assault] Family Representative Speaks For Alleged Victim

It was recently reported that Kareem Mitchell (a 42-year-old choir director at New Testament Baptist Church in North Highlands, California) was arrested on February 3, 2015 for sexually assaulting a minor. The Sacramento Police Department received a report that Mitchell initiated a sexual relationship with a male minor while working as a choir director at New…

Does Your Pastor Have a Moses-Complex??

Some religious leaders today are having an identity crisis. . . . they have what I call the "Moses-complex." Signs that Your Pastor has the Moses-Complex 1. He believes that he has the same spiritual status, rank, authority, and 'prophetic mantle' as Moses. 2. He flaunts his supposed 'authority' over the congregation and justifies it…

Touch Not God’s Anointed

"Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm" (1 Chronicles 16:22 and Psalm 105:15). Is this Scripture saying that we aren't allowed to question religious leaders and hold them accountable to God's word, and if we do, we're “touching God's anointed” and something bad will happen to us? The historical context behind 1…