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In this series, I will be spending some time refuting the assertion that the ten commandments originated from the Egyptian Book of the Dead–more specifically, from the Negative Confession in the Papyrus of Ani.

Some of you might remember that I addressed this assertion on my Spreaker podcast back in December of 2016, but I thought that it would be beneficial to present my refutation in written format as well.

One of the issues of concern in the body of Christ today is the barrage of misinformation being spread on the internet, and offline, asserting that Jesus Christ, the Gospel, the Old and New Testament, and the Christian Faith all contain pagan elements which were allegedly derived from ancient Egyptian mythology, whether through plagiarism or influence.

A number of false claims are made in an attempt to substantiate this false assertion. For example, you might have heard someone claim that Jesus is a pagan copy of Horus, or maybe you have seen a meme or video on social media claiming that the Biblical term “amen” comes from the name of the ancient Egyptian mythological god, Amun-Ra.

These claims, among many others, are regurgitated mainly by individuals who ascribe to secular humanism, New Age philosophy, occult metaphysics, neopaganism, the Kemetic religion and other forms of alternative African spirituality.

It’s apparent to me that the agenda behind this promotion of unhistorical propaganda is to invalidate and discredit the Old and New Testament and dissuade professing Christians from believing what the 66 books of the Bible teach–namely that the Old and New Testament are the God-breathed authoritative word of God, that Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh and the only Savior of mankind, and the Gospel is the Good News message of salvation.

Tragically, this agenda has played a role in seducing many professing Christians away from Jesus Christ, away from the Holy Scriptures, and away from the Christian Faith.

My hope is that more and more believers will see the urgent need to get equipped with sound doctrine, with knowledge of how we received the Old and New Testament, with knowledge of Church history and world history (especially African history), and gain the courage, compassion, and zeal to engage individuals who have been taken in by unhistorical misinformation.

To this end, the purpose of this article is threefold:

1. To briefly explain the origins of the false assertion that Jesus Christ, the Gospel, the Old and New Testament, and the Christian Faith all contain pagan elements which were allegedly derived from ancient Egyptian mythology.

2. To refute one specific false claim–the claim that the ten commandments originated from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

3. To explain why the Egyptian Book of the Dead actually demonstrates man’s need for a Savior and the necessity of Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross and the Gospel message.

3 thoughts on “The Ten Commandments and the Egyptian Book of the Dead – Part 1 [The Introduction]

  1. nice to see you again after such a long break
    please follow through for the Church is very ignorant on the origin of Christianity and being manipulated to believe these inherent teachings leaving Christians spiritually dwarf stunting their maturity in the kingdom
    be bless my sister, looking forward myself in being educated on this topic

    1. Thank you Allison. For some reason, your entire comment didn’t post. Perhaps you remember the rest of what you said.

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